Hello, there! it was another exciting and busy week. First off, congratulations to Chris Rule on the opening of his SurfIndian surf shop on May 22. The SurfIndian gallery also hosted an opening for the talented Japanese artist Koji Toyoda on the same night. The evening was fun and it was nice to see the lovely artwork, boards, clothing and catch up with friends. Surfboards by Skip Frye, Donald Takayama, Paul Strauch, Tyler Surfboards, Hydrodynamica, Pendoflex, Mast Surfboards, Michael Miller Surfboards and others are showcased at SurfIndian.
On Sunday morning, we cruised up to the 2010 AB3 Alternative Surfboard Show and demo morning at Oceanside harbor. Gale force winds were predicted and the weatherman was right! so most of us did not paddle out into the big, stormy conditions. We did enjoy visiting with friends and sharing about the beautiful surfboards, mats, hand planes and other gear. The sponsors and organizers are 101 Fins, Lokbox, Surfblanks, Real Surf Shop, SurfySurfy Surf Shop, Moonlight Glassing, Shawn Ambrose, JP. St. Pierre, James Robertson, Jimmy Jazz, Marlon, and if we forgot anyone, we apologize. Please send us your name and we’ll add it. Thank you!
“Windbowl at the Jetty”
The winners are:
Best of Show: DK for his Simons Says board
Most Innovative: Ace for his 1980 Ace-symmetrical
Most Original: Steve Pendarvis for his Pendoflex Rubber Rubber Ducky
Best Art: Steve Ford for Growth
Biggest Roach: Brandon for his Thong
Aloha and Cowa-flexit!
Here are a few photos from the SurfIndian opening and the AB3 2010.

Victory at Sea in Ocean Beach, it's unusual to have NW windswell this big, this late in May, combined with a big South swell. The OB pier is over 1/2 mile long and the waves are breaking beyond the end of the pier!

On our way up north, we stopped by to see Ryan Burch and pick up the Rubber Rubber Ducky. Ryan said he had a blast riding it. Thanks, Ryan!
25/05/2010 at 6:05 am Permalink
Hi Steve,
Great photos, the Rubber Rubber Ducky looks wild!