Pendoflexers, far and wide. Mahalo!
- Justin McGlathery charging Ulu on his Pendoflex Fish. Cowa-flexit!
- CHO-San Pendoflexing with the Quadflex Fish in Japan. Cowa-Flexit!
- Steve Fuller Pendoflexing! Cowa-flexit!
- Jason Murphey Pendoflexing in Hawaii. Cowa-flexit!
- Matt Paulson flying on his Pendoflex fish in Baja. Cowa-flexit!
- Tex Xavier Pendoflex barrel weaving Honolua. Cowa-flexit! Photo: Parks Bonifay
- Tsuyoshi-san Pendoflexing his Rubber Duckie in Japan. Cowa-flexit!
- John Bruhn Pendoflexing soul arch at Kandui
- George Barnes barreled at OB on his Pendoflex Sting
- Justin McGlathery LJ tube time on his Pendoflex Fish. Photo Jesse Harloff
- Harvey Maclendon, Pendoflex bottom turn. Photo: Lance Smith
- Daryl Ridenour Pendoflexing his 9’6.” Photo: Joe Ewing
- George Barnes ripping a glassy left on his Pendoflex Sting
- Scott Curran wrapping a cuttie in the South Seas, 6’2″ moon tail quad
- Cho-San, carving cuttie, Pendoflex in Japan
- Chapman Murphey Pendoflex 6’5″ step off Mex 2011 1, Brian Conley
- Chapman Murphey Pendoflex 6’5″ step off Mex 2011 2, Brian Conley
- Chapman Murphey Pendoflex 7’2″ quad, Brian Conley
- Pam, 4’6 Pendoflex, fun long ride at Diamond Head. Photo: Manning
- Big Ben blasting, photo courtesy Ben Murphey
- Jason carves a cuttie on his Pendoflex Hullabaloo, photo: Lance Smith
- Chapman Murphey, Back Door, photo: Raven
- Chapman Murphey, Back Door, photo: Raven
- Chapman at Maalaea, photo courtesy Chapman Murphey
- Chapman at Maalaea, photo courtesy Chapman Murphey
- Chapman at Maalaea, photo courtesy Chapman Murphey
- Steve Pendarvis, minigun flex, La Jolla, 1974, photo: Ralph Starkweather
- Steve off the lip Flex, photo: Vaughn family
- Steve Pendoflex cuttie at San Miguel
- Cher Angelfish cuttie, photo: Jim Pigeon
- Kirk off the top, photo courtesy Kirk
- Rasta, Gallapagos tube, photo: Scott Sullivan, Hydrodynamica
- Rasta, Gallapagos tube, photo: Scott Sullivan, Hydrodynamica
- Rasta, Gallapagos stall, photo: Scott Sullivan, Hydrodynamica
- Rasta, Gallapagos cuttie, photo: Scott Sullivan, Hydrodynamica
- Daniel Thomson off the top at Oceanside
- Richard Kenvin carving, La Jolla, photo: Scott Sullivan
- Kevin Brennan, a fine New York beachie
- Scotty carving backside, photo by M’tussie
- Jack Davis, Pendoflex longboard, self portrait
- Jack Davis, Pendoflex longboard, self portrait 2
- Johnny Ha ripping on the Pendoflex quad, NY beachie. Thanks, Shipworm&Gribble!
- Ben Schnact backside ripper