Archive > July 2009

Outside the Box at the Surfing Heritage Foundation

Excerpted from: The Surfing Heritage Foundation Community Voice Building a Community of people who share a common passion for the Spirit, Culture and Soul of Surfing   We are charging forward with preparations for the premiere of our first movie night, Shaped, the Movie screens here this Saturday evening. Please check out the article below […]

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The Art of Shaping 2009 San Diego Edition

Introduction Billabong USA is proud to announce the second annual “Billabong Art of Shaping Event” to be held September 10th-12th at the ASR Action Sports Retailer Trade Show in San Diego CA. This years’ “Billabong Art of Shaping: San Diego Edition” event will feature many of the top shapers from the rich board building heritage […]

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Rob’s new ride

Sounds like the weekend sortie into the ocean provided a positive account of how the board rides! Allright! Cowa-flexit! Out for now. . .

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A morning board meeting

On Sunday morning Liz and Greg cruised down to pick up Liz’s new longboard. We had fun! Cowa-flexit!                                       Greg, Liz and Steve   Check out the Board Art page to see a close-up of the pen-and-ink […]

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Single wing fish for Ben

Steve built a single wing fish for Ben with a twinzer fin setup. Ben asked for a rasta color scheme, and the consensus at the factory is “this paint job looks like a bright Mexican rug!” Cowa-flexit!

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Pacific Beach Surf Shop 47th Anniversary Birthday Bash

Saturday, August 1st from 2-9 p.m.  4150 Mission Blvd., 858.373.1138 for more info Pendo will be there !  He will be bringing a passel of  boards to view and ride.  Come and check it out!

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TSJ/POV “Dan Malloy & Dane Reynolds Board Swap

TSJ | POV – “Dan Malloy & Dane Reynolds Board Swap” from The Surfer’s Journal on Vimeo. We were thankful when our friend Chuck at WetSand sent us the link to this fun little movie from the TSJ/POV series, with Dan and Dane. We’re so stoked they’re having fun with the Pendoflex. Thanks, guys! Cowa-flexit!

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Special custom longboard on the way for Liz

    Fun, stoked board meeting at the shaping room, Steve and our friend Liz Cockrum discuss ideas for her new longboard.

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Hot and Glassy

  ‘Fun small SW swell this morning, some nice rides for the patient folks. There was sweet peace and quiet between the sets except for the water rustle, bubble sound of a seal popping up for air, swimming by, and then diving again. Later, a pair of graceful white egrets flew over, and we were […]

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What is Pendoflex?

What is Pendoflex? from Cher Pendarvis on Vimeo. Directed by Bill Harris Filmed by Cher Pendarvis Edited by Bill Harris

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