Sounds like the weekend sortie into the ocean provided a positive account of how the board rides!
Allright! Cowa-flexit! Out for now. . .

Rob and Steve w Rob's new ride!
28 July 2009 By pendo 2 In Uncategorized
Sounds like the weekend sortie into the ocean provided a positive account of how the board rides!
Allright! Cowa-flexit! Out for now. . .
Rob and Steve w Rob's new ride!
05/08/2009 at 12:11 am Permalink
It goes insane. Insane. So responsive in turns it blows my mind and the speed is unreal. Perfect rocker, rails and plan shape + with the pendo engine = a favorite board.
05/08/2009 at 3:34 pm Permalink
Hey, Rob, thanks for your feedback, much appreciated! So stoked that you love your new board and are getting some fun waves. We look forward to surfing with you, soon. Cowa-flexit!