Tag Archive > art

Fresh Paint!

Hey, there! We hope that you’re enjoying this week’s fun swells. We’ve been busy in our workshop and art studio, and enjoying early surfs. Here are photos of two custom Pendoflex orders that we’re working on. Have a great day! Aloha and Cowa-flexit! Steve and Cher

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The Power of the Flower

Hi there. Steve made a sweet new 5’4″ x 17.75″ EPS Pendo for our grand niece Brooke who is very stoked on surfing. Brooke requested blue flowers on the deck and bottom, and it was fun to paint them for her. Aloha and Cowa-flexit!

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Thankful for the beauty of life

Hi there. We are thinking about the blessings of life and the beauty all around us. We are thankful for each day and love to share the beauty. Here are a few photos of precious moments. “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet […]

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