Tag Archive > blessings

Wishing You Peace and Love

Hello, there. Happy Christmas eve. We cherish the heartwarming, loving spirit of Christmas, honoring Jesus’s birth. This morning we enjoyed seeing the beautiful Ocean Beach community Christmas tree, just before sunrise.  We wish you all a very Merry Christmas, with love, peace on Earth and good will for all. Mahalo Uncle for sharing this beautiful […]

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Merry Christmas, with love

Hi there! We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful, happy holiday season. Thank you for your support of Pendoflex and Pendo surfboards, much appreciated. This season has been so beautiful . . . here are a few photos from recent mornings and evenings. We hope that you enjoy them. Moment to moment, […]

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Thankful for the beauty of life

Hi there. We are thinking about the blessings of life and the beauty all around us. We are thankful for each day and love to share the beauty. Here are a few photos of precious moments. “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet […]

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The SASIC 11 and Stokefest highlights

Hello, there. The Groundswell Society SASIC 11—Surfing Arts, Sciences and Issues Conference at Scripps Institution of Oceanography was an amazing event. The Society was very honored to have Dr. Walter Munk, Dr. Falk Feddersen, the Surfline forecasting team including Kevin Wallis and Dr. Graeme Rae, and Glenn Hening deliver engaging presentations on the theme of […]

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Hello, there. 2012 has been a beautiful year so far and we are thankful for the blessings. Heartfelt thanks to all of our friends, family and colleagues for your love and kindness during the year. We wish you a very Merry Christmas season. Love, Aloha and Cowa-flexit! Steve and Cher

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Shine on Harvest Moon

Hello there. We are thankful for the beauty of these fall days, and hope that you are enjoying them too . . . Aloha and Cowa-flexit, Cher and Steve

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Thankful for the beauty

Hi there. We are thankful for the sweet, simple beauty of the season. We wish you health, happiness and peace as we near year’s end.  Take good care and remember the love. xoxo

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